Coochiemudlo Island’s
Herbarium Collection
An island treasure gains a new audience.
Since the 1990s, Coochiemudlo’s Bushcare volunteers have been accumulating the wealth of local botanical knowledge that's so essential to their bush regeneration activities across the island.
In 2006, several Bushcarers began collecting examples of both native and introduced island flora, and preserving them by the traditional process of pressing out the moisture and mounting them for safe-keeping and display.
They called themselves the Press Gang. And over five years they built up a collection of nearly 120 species, arranged on paper sheets sleeved inside large folders. Such a collection is referred to as an herbarium.
Over the next few years the Bushcare Herbarium “travelled around a bit” to quote the Press Gang’s Mary Preston.
“We wanted the Herbarium to be safe so I took it to the (Queensland) Herbarium at the Botanic Gardens in Brisbane. We were proud of the quality of our work compared with theirs. They said that it should be kept on the Island as that made it more relevant – TRUE!
We offered it to Redlands Museum but they didn't really have a relevant place to display it. It was taken to Indigiscapes, where an officer offered to put it on a disc but he got transferred. When I called in to see how it was going after several months, it seemed to be lost but was found buried at the back of a shed.
So I rescued it and brought it home. As you can imagine I was thrilled when the Heritage Society offered to look after it.”
That offer was made in 2019. The Heritage Society has now decided this wonderful resource will be the basis of a virtual Coochiemudlo Herbarium — an online educational resource that will showcase the diverse flora of our island and its bayside precinct.
The entire collection has now been digitised. In the process, we discovered that the plants could be photographed in ways that revealed the colours and textures preserved by the drying process.
Mary Preston, one of Coochiemudlo Island’s Herbarium Press Gang
Featured Herbarium Gallery
These images were photographed and digitised by Peter Wear. Many thanks Peter!
The Bushcare volunteer who collected, identified and mounted each specimen is named beneath the image.

02. Thespesia populnea

07. Eucalyptus moluccana

09. Acacia fimbriata

12. Dodonaea triquetra

13. Acacia podalyriifolia

14. Smilax australis

15. Hibbertia scandens

16. Casuarina glauca

22. Sophora tomentosa

26. Hovea acutifolia

29. Philydrum lanuginosum

34. Bruguiera gymnorhiza

35. Parsonsia straminea

37. Hypoxis pratensis

48. Glycine tabacina

49. Indigofera hirsuta

51. Carex pumila

54. Jancus kraussii

55. Cyperus lucidus

59. Lygodium microphyllum

65. Adiantum hispidulum

66. Gleichenia dicarpa

71. Violia betonicifolia

75. Bareria repens

78. Pimelea linifolia

82. Rubus parrifolius

89. Trachymene incisa

90. Kennedia rubicunda

99. Poranthera microphyla

105. Crotalaria montana

109. Eustrephus latifolius

110. Stephania japonica

115. Glycine clandestina