CIHS Management Committee
The information on this page is based on the Queensland Government’s information about the duties and expectations of a management committee of an incorporated association.
See the CIHS Constitution.
Management Committee members and duties
The CIHS Management Committee must have at least four members: president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer.
These positions are the office bearers. Our current office bearers and committee members are:
President — Jan MacIntyre OAM
Vice President — Kate Barker
Secretary — John Buckley
Treasurer — Yvonne Syme
General Members — Carolyn Brammer
Committee members should:
act in good faith
use reasonable care and skill while doing their duties
tell the committee if they have a possible conflict of interest (e.g. if a proposed action will financially benefit them)
not make false or misleading statements to CIHS members
know the secretary’s duties and make sure they are properly carried out
bring any relevant letters, emails or other association documents to the committee’s attention.
Office bearer responsibilities
The president:
chairs the committee
plays a major role in general meetings.
Under the model rules, the president must chair every meeting they attend. If they can’t attend a meeting, another committee member can sit in as acting chair.
The secretary:
keeps the register of members
sends and receive letters, emails or other documents (The CIHS secretary sometimes shares this task with president.)
advises president or treasurer about urgent matters that arise from correspondence takes nominations for the committee
gives notice of meetings, calls and convenes all meetings, arranges the venue and gathers and presents any relevant documents prepares the agenda with president
takes and keeps minutes of meetings and distributes to committee. (CIHS may offer a minutes secretary if required.)
Being responsible for the financial affairs of the association, the treasurer:
keeps and maintains an asset register for the association
manages the petty cash balance
keeps the petty cash book up to date
documents all payments made, including receipts, invoices and statements maintaining all deposit and cheque books
ensures the committee approves or ratifies all payments made
records details of these payments in the minutes
keeps all financial records in Queensland.
keeps track of payments received by using: a receipt book of consecutively numbered receipts; a computer system that keeps track of these records.